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Heart of Vancouver: How to beat the winter blues

Hugs, feel-good movies and sex make for a happier season

With the weather getting colder and days getting shorter, you may feel a sudden urge to hibernate and cuddle up to a TV show. A lot of people experience what psychologists call seasonal depression. Here in Vancouver, we probably get more rainy days than any other city. Its not the pleasant kind of rain. Im talking weeks of rain on end with looming dark clouds mixed in with cold fronts.

Human behaviour can tell us a lot. Particularly birth dates. The most popular birth months are August and June. This means that babies are conceived usually between the months of October to December. This is usually the time when the temperature of weather lowers and people spend more time indoors. Incidentally, sex is also one of the most effective ways to beat winter blues because it activates the body and releases feel good chemicals within our body.

Summer with stretches of sunshine-filled days may not be coming up anytime soon but these tips to help combat winter blues may be just what you need to turn that frown upside down.

Exercise and get active: Lets face it. Winter time and hibernation means were eating more. That turkey youll be having over the holiday isnt going to work itself off.

Mentally challenge yourself: I love a good puzzle or a great book that gives my mind the workout I need.

Give or volunteer: This enriches the soul and grounds the human spirit. Its like yoga without an instructor and those big annoying yoga balls.

Sex: It gives you a workout physically and can give a sense of comfort that creates endorphins which mimics love. Who can say no a little love? Just remember that this is the season when most people conceive. Take precautions.

Reward yourself: This is often the easiest gift to buy on my holiday list.

Mind your sleep: Dont sleep longer than you usually do. This could send you into a spiral of lounging around that can get chronic during winter time.

Its all about lighting: During daylight hours, make sure that your environment is well lit. This will keep your body on the right circadian rhythm.

Increase your hug intake: This is option B if youre single and point number 4 is not an available resource or if youre just greedy for more love. Human contact increases feel good chemicals in our brains. This beats paying for hug buddies to cuddle with you which some people in other countries are resorting to.

Watch a feel-good movie: Personally, I watch one Disney movie every month. Even though we live in an imperfect world, its sometimes nice to escape to a place where dreams come true, the hero always wins and true love trumps all.

Manage your time: This is a busy time of year with parties, shopping and New Years resolution lists. Just remember that stress is the biggest contributor to aging next to nutrition.


Amy Yew is a researcher and therapist. Tell us what you think and submit any questions you have to [email protected]. You can also tweet your thoughts on Twitter @AmyYew.