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Heart of Vancouver: The new age of sexting

Should we be worried that teenagers are sexting?

Sexting (defined as sex texting) is the new form of phone sex because who really has time to get on a phone these days. Its also much more discreet and probably wont get you in trouble at work while you multitask behind your desk. Sexting has its benefits and some of the top reasons include:

1. Its convenient and more discreet. People arent privy to overhearing what you say.

2. It gives you more time to think of a response. If youre not quick to think up something sexy, youre not put on the spot unlike being on the phone.

3. You can sext multiple people at once.

4. Youre not subjected to as much judgment compared to engaging in phone sex.

5. Rejection is always easier via text than on the phone.

For those who swear by sexting, Id say more power to you if thats what keeps the spark alive in your relationship. However, as teens are getting their hands on technology at a younger age, should parents be worried about this? A more pressing question becomes do teenagers engage in sex at an earlier age if they sext?

These are all great question and issues that modern families have to tackle. As if the awkward sex talk isnt weird enough with your parents, teenagers will be subjected to an additional social media sex chat. A note to parents: dont stick your head in the sand on this one. Statistics on sexting show that:

1. 28 per cent of teens admitted to having sent a sext (this doesnt account for those who have sexted but wont admit it).

2. Girls were asked to send a sext more often than boys: 68 per cent vs. 42 per cent

3. 76.2 per cent of teens who were asked to sext admitted to having had sexual intercourse.

The truth is sexting has its own dangers aside from an increased likelihood of sexual activity among teens. The advances of technology can now allow us to post material that can be widely seen by thousands. This gets even scarier if you think of the prospects of what happens when illicit photos are being sent. For some people, sexy photos can mean an end to a potential job or getting into a great college. Cyber bullying can also result from sexting messages that leaked. Lets face, it we were all much less capable of keeping secrets in high school. Gossip permeates the hallways of high schools and it usually means someone had to break their silence for that.

The general rule of withholding something that would be damaging to yourself or your future applies in this instance. Its better safe than sorry. Risking your reputation for a moment may seem like a great idea but gambling with your future isnt.


Amy Yew is a researcher and therapist. Tell us what you think and submit any questions you have to [email protected]. You can also tweet your thoughts on Twitter @AmyYew.