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Outdoor pool, public consultation hot election topics

I have a request for the park board commissioners elected in the Nov. 19 election-build a new outdoor pool at Mount Pleasant Park. The pool, or lack thereof, has become an election issue-again.

I have a request for the park board commissioners elected in the Nov. 19 election-build a new outdoor pool at Mount Pleasant Park.

The pool, or lack thereof, has become an election issue-again. And because of ongoing efforts of a determined group of citizens, this issue is not going away. I attended a park board all-candidates meeting at Hillcrest Centre last week and the pool, which was demolished last year, was once again a hot topic of debate.

Once it became official the pool would be demolished, the Friends of Mount Pleasant Pool community group formed to fight for its life. Unable to save the pool, the group-which is led by long-time outdoor pool advocate Margery Duda-has been lobbying full time to convince the park board to include funds for a replacement in its capital plan. While that wasn't the case in the 2008-2011 capital plan, the group is fighting to ensure it won't be left out of the 20112014 version. The Friends are endorsing all park board candidates who are publicly endorsing an outdoor pool at Mount Pleasant Park.

Others attending the all-candidates meeting were also concerned about saving the old Riley Park Community Centre building and ice arena. They say the centre's replacement, Hillcrest Community Centre, is already at capacity and in light of the predicted massive developments expected along Cambie Street and at nearby Little Mountain, the old Riley Park centre would continue to be well used. It looks like that would be the case, but whether the park board can afford to make that happen is another story.

Hillcrest, including its aquatic centre, ice rink and curling club, was built as a destination location. It immediately became so popular the park board could have built two centres and I bet both would be packed on a daily basis. On a cold November Wednesday evening, the centre looked straight out of a movie set. The pool was packed with laughing children, the ice rink crowded with skaters sporting tuques and the workout room filled with athletes of all abilities, as it is constantly. As I arrived and left the centre, dozens of people of all ages flowed through the front door. If there ever was a picture of success, it's the beautifully designed Hillcrest Centre, which looked so cavernous during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, where it was used as the curling venue.

Members of the Riley Park South Cambie Community Visions Committee want the park board to place a moratorium on demolishing the Riley Park Community Centre for six months in order to give them time to come up with a plan to save the building, which they argue can be used to alleviate some of that overcrowding. To date, it's not looking so good for the old centre.

The park board's public consultation process was also discussed at the all-candidates meeting. Residents living near Mount Pleasant Park say, despite taking part in the public consultation regarding future uses of that community's newly redesigned green space, they've been blindsided by a skateboard park much more grandiose than expected. One woman, who said she'd been a member of the Mount Pleasant Park neighbourhood group involved in the planning of the redevelopment, wanted to know why the park board bothered to spend thousands of dollars on public consultation when it apparently didn't take that information into account.

An ongoing theme in speaking to residents about park board, council and school board is a wish for complete honesty and transparency when holding public consultations. That, and an outdoor pool at Mount Pleasant Park.

Early voting stations are open before the election Nov. 19. And remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain. For information on candidates for park board, council and school board, and on where to vote, go to [email protected]

Twitter: @sthomas10