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City of North Van moves SeaBus drop-off zone

The City of North Vancouver is moving the SeaBus drop-off zone following complaints over safety from cyclists.

The City of North Vancouver is moving the SeaBus drop-off zone following complaints over safety from cyclists.

At the end of April, the city asked drivers headed for the Lonsdale Quay SeaBus terminal to use the 100-block of West Esplanade, which forced them to cross over a painted bike lane.

Starting this weekend, the SeaBus pick-up and drop-off zone is being split into two locations: The west side of Lonsdale between Carrie Cates Court and Esplanade, which the city estimates is four-minute walk to the SeaBus gates, and the 100-block of West First Street, which should take about five minutes to reach on foot.

“We recognize that the original location of the drop-off on Esplanade was challenging and in the interest of improving safety for all users along this route, have decided to relocate it. Though the new locations are a bit farther from the Seabus Station, we believe they provide a safer option for everyone,” city spokeswoman Stephanie Smiley said in a statement. “Additionally, city staff are working on a new design to improve safety for all users of Esplanade no matter what their mode of transportation.”

The changes are expected to last until the major renovation of the Lonsdale Quay bus exchange is complete in early 2020.