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Plant more trees to offset global warming

Editor: The solution to global warming has been found. New carbon capture technology means that any town, anywhere in the world can grab fuel from the air with a Carbon Capture system.


The solution to global warming has been found. New carbon capture technology means that any town, anywhere in the world can grab fuel from the air with a Carbon Capture system.

Since each plant can do the work of 10 million trees, this is where we should immediately devote all oil and gas subsidies.

Canada is warming at twice the global rate.

According to a 2015 report by the International Monetary Fund, the annual Federal government subsidy to the fossil fuel industry is $46 billion. That could be a carbon capture subsidy that would provide most - or all - of the fuel we still need, as well as political independence from undemocratic oil rich/oil hungry corporations and nations. Since many wars are backed by oil interests, this is a solution for peace- true democratization of energy. This solution could prevent a climate crisis. This solution is available, the technology is real, thanks, in part, to investment by Bill Gates.

Would any of our candidates for Delta argue in Ottawa to stop all subsidies to oil and gas? Would any of our Delta candidates advocate for carbon capture implementation nationwide instead of continued expansion of oil sands and fracking?

Bring your question to the first ever Delta Climate Debate on Oct.10 at KinVillage starting at 6:30 p.m.

Aimee McKinney