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Dogless reader wants more dog parks

To the editor: Re: "Advocate accuses park board of inflating city dog numbers," Aug. 3. Anti-dog-park advocate Elizabeth Wilkinson complains her taxes shouldn't help pay for off-leash parks. I see it differently.

To the editor:

Re: "Advocate accuses park board of inflating city dog numbers," Aug. 3.

Anti-dog-park advocate Elizabeth Wilkinson complains her taxes shouldn't help pay for off-leash parks. I see it differently. I don't own a dog, but I cannot help but come in daily contact with many; and I imagine they are happier, less aggressive, and less likely to yelp all day long in their yards if properly exercised and socialized. Pretending only licensed dogs should be counted in dog park planning ignores the benefit to all citizens if every dog's essential needs are met. The park board strategy appears to be realitybased since, to my knowledge, no other city than Calgary (Wilkinson's example) boasts of high licensing compliance rates allegedly generating significant value-added services for pets.

Judith Webster,
