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The Inner Call of Spirit

A special awareness came to me on a recent Saturday morning in my hatha yoga class. The instructor introduced gentle poses that required a focus on the spine.

A special awareness came to me on a recent Saturday morning in my hatha yoga class. The instructor introduced gentle poses that required a focus on the spine. I heard “imagine, envision, notice,” as I breathed air through my spine, into the muscles leading from my spine and on to other parts of my body.  Why were these moments of particular significance for me? How was I able, after four years in this class, to feel for the first time, such a flow of energy through my spine?

I can attribute this to the days prior when I had sessions with my Doctor of Traditional Chinese medicine, my massage therapist, and my Network Care chiropractor. Over several years, I continue to appreciate how my healers guide me in their special ways to strengthen my relationship with my body. They uniquely invite me to enliven my inner body so I discover aspects of myself that I now boldly describe as awesome.

Before I began this deep, inner journey, much of my energy had been compressed above my neck. Yes, I am grateful for my intellect that sharpened with academic study, honor roll achievements and completion of scholastic goals. To be loved meant to honor the family value of education. I belonged in the hallowed halls of academia and my brain was my closest friend.

My brain now learns new lessons – those from what I might call my “Body Book”.

I have always known that I am comprised physically of heart, and spiritually, of soul. What I experienced in my yoga class was Spiritus, the breath, move along my spine, connect with my heart and transform it from a physical organ to the sensation of love. “I am love, I am loved, I love” was what I heard within. My soul, inspired by the Universal Energy Source, encouraged me to be more aware of what was present and more curious for the meaning of it all.

I will believe that when I accept the invitation to align and energize my spine, I enhance my wellness – physical, mental, emotional, relational, spiritual. My affinity to acronym leads me to “Spirit Please Invigorate Nurturing Energy”.  

Join me now - breathe in the Spirit, feel it move along your spine as it opens your heart and energizes your soul for what is and what can be.  

Gloria McArterDr. Glo (Gloria) McArter, counselling therapist, speaker and writer, encourages individuals, couples, and groups to use curiosity, courage, wisdom, and worthiness to nurture good health and wellbeing. As a spiritually independent seeker, she inspires an authentic and vulnerable relationship with the universal energy source of many names. Dr. Glo knows that opportunities and possibilities that are explored and accepted will enhance meaning and purpose in the continual evolution of years and age.She lives and works in Vancouver. 

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